
This Project

This project aims to empower 21 women leaders with the knowledge to prevent waterborne diseases and use a water filter at their homes. These Women Leaders live in 3 different slums at the Northwest part of Guayaquil city, in Ecuador.  We are reaching 7 women leaders living in each of the following slums: Monte Sinaí, el Fortín and Flor de Bastión. These 3 slums lack basic infrastructure, in particular safe water supply.









 Our Local Partner

The Ecuadorian NGO Paz y Esperanza is our local partner in this project. Paz y Esperanza works on community capacity building for the prevention of domestic violence in several marginalized neighborhoods of the Northwest part of Guayaquil city. Flor de Bastión, el Fortín and Monte Sinaí are some of those slums. Paz y Esperanza has been supporting a group of women in preventing water borne diseases since 2022.









Our Approach

We believe in empowering vulnerable people to solve their own problems. The group of women leaders in slums in the northwest part of Guayaquil is a good example of the positive changes a women leaders group can bring in their neighborhood. In this project we expect a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of these women and their households, which will motivate them to train and encourage other mothers in their neighborhoods to do the same. As such, we as Fluid are committed to supporting the livelihood improvement of the poor in slums in the Northwest part of Guayaquil.









Financial Support

To finance this project we need 1500 Euros.

Financial Support

To finance this project we need 1500 Euros. This budget is for training 21 women leaders, providing them 21 water filters and collecting testimonials for evaluation and report.