Building Local Capacities
Thanks to this project, the local organization “Centro Agroartesanal Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes” (CAAM), located on the dry coast of Ecuador, has now the capacity to help hundreds of families to overcome their limited access to water with low-cost water tanks and protected shallow wells. These were built by 10 young men who completed the specialized training for building water storage tanks and protected shallow water wells.
Our Local Partner
Thanks to this project CAAM is now equipped with metal molds, lifting devices and other tools to maintain these tanks and wells, building on local ownership and creating sustainability. Furthermore, CAAM manages a savings and credit system allowing the rural families to have access to a microcredit for building more water tanks and protected shallow wells with the expertice of the trained local builders.
Financial Contributions
This project was financed by Stichting Wilde Ganzen (12,625 Euros) with co-funding from Fluid (8417 Euros collected through a crowdfunding campaign). CAAM itself contributed 5764 Euros for this project (mostly for microcredits).
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